
As promised in the forecast, the snow is falling heavily again. It’s been snowing since before I had work this morning at 7am and doesn’t look to be letting up anytime soon.

We still had Reading Rome today; luckily our teachers were able to make it. After our last attempt at a massive Skype convo, I was hesitant to try again.

We just read and discussed Satire 3 by Juvenal and I really liked it. His writing was very brazen and lewd at times, pointing out all the problems with the Roman Empire and its people. I read it more as a piece of literature than factual evidence, though I do acknowledge Rome had many seedy areas in its ancient days. I highly suggested checking out Juvenal’s satire – a lot of what he says rings true to this very day and you might also get some laughs out of it.

Ottantotto giorni (86)! Just have to plow through this semester (and snowstorm).


Ci vediamo!

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